
单词 相关的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alsatian〕Of or relating to Alsace or to its inhabitants or culture.阿尔萨斯的:阿尔萨斯的,阿尔萨斯居民的,阿尔萨斯文化的,或与此相关的美国传统〔Archean〕Of or relating to the oldest known rocks, those of the Precambrian era, that are predominantly igneous in composition.太古代的:所知的最古的前寒武纪时代岩石,其组成成分主要为火成岩的,或与之相关的美国传统〔Argive〕Of or relating to Greece or the Greeks.希腊的,希腊人的:希腊的或与之相关的或希腊人的美国传统〔CHEAT〕The university was accused of overcharging the government millions of dollars for research-related costs. 该大学被指责向政府多要了数百万美元与研究相关的开销。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕The police department is appealing for any information that may be pertinent to this inquiry. 警方正在征求可能与此次调查相关的任何信息。朗文写作活用〔Churrigueresque〕Of or relating to a style of baroque architecture of Spain and its Latin-American colonies, characterized by elaborate and extravagant decoration.西班牙巴洛克建筑的:西班牙和其拉丁美洲殖民地的巴洛克建筑方式或与之相关的,以精细的和过分的装饰为特点美国传统〔English〕Of or relating to the English language.与英语相关的,英语的美国传统〔Israeli〕Of or relating to modern-day Israel or its people.以色列的:当今以色列的或其民族的,或与之相关的美国传统〔Italic〕Of or relating to ancient Italy or its peoples or cultures.古意大利的:古意大利的、或其民族或文化的;或与之相关的美国传统〔Oldowan〕Of or relating to an early stage of African Paleolithic tool culture characterized by choppers and bifacial chopping tools.奥杜威文化的:非洲旧石器时代工具文明早期的或与其相关的,特征为制造切刀与双面切刀作为工具美国传统〔Olympian〕Greek Mythology Of or relating to the greater gods and goddesses of the ancient Greek pantheon, whose abode was Mount Olympus.【希腊神话】 奥林匹亚山神的:古希腊万神殿中居住在奥林帕斯山的诸神和女神的或与之相关的美国传统〔Provençal〕Of or relating to Provence or its people, language, or culture.普罗旺斯的:普罗旺斯,普罗旺人,普罗旺斯语言和文化的,或与它们相关的美国传统〔Samoan〕Of or relating to Samoa or its people, language, or culture.萨摩亚的:萨摩人的,萨摩亚语言,或萨摩亚文化的,或与其相关的美国传统〔Sindhi〕Of or relating to Sind or its people, language, or culture.信德或其人民、语言或文化的或与之相关的美国传统〔Uto-Aztecan〕Of or relating to the Uto-Aztecans or to the languages spoken by them.犹他-阿兹特克语族或与之相关的,使用犹他-阿兹特克语族的人的美国传统〔agrobiology〕The study of plant nutrition and growth as related to soil condition, especially to determine ways to increase crop yield.农业生物学;土壤生物学:关于植物养分和与土壤条件相关的生长的研究,尤其是对判定如何增加农作物产量方法的研究美国传统〔animate〕Of or relating to animal life as distinct from plant life.动物性的:动物性的或与动物性相关的,区别于植物的美国传统〔apocrine〕Of or relating to a type of glandular secretion in which the apical portion of the secreting cell is released along with the secretory products.顶浆分泌的,泌离的:分泌细胞的顶端部分与分泌物一起脱离的腺体分泌的,与其相关的美国传统〔apostolic〕Roman Catholic Church Of or relating to the pope as the successor of Saint Peter; papal.【罗马天主教】 罗马教皇的:圣彼得的继承人罗马教皇的或与之相关的;罗马教皇的美国传统〔art form〕Indian dance and related art forms.印度舞蹈和相关的艺术形式柯林斯高阶〔atrial〕Of or relating to an architectural atrium.中庭的,正厅的:建筑物中庭、正厅的,或与其相关的美国传统〔ballistic〕Of or relating to projectiles, their motion, or their effects.飞行物体的:射弹及其运动或效果的或与之相关的美国传统〔balneal〕Of or relating to baths or bathing.洗澡的:洗澡的或与之相关的美国传统〔binational〕Of, relating to, or involving two nations.两国的:两国的、与之相关的或包括之的美国传统〔bourgeois〕Of, relating to, or typical of the middle class.中产阶级的:中产阶级的、与之相关的或以之为特点的美国传统〔cabbage〕Any of several similar or related plants, such as Chinese cabbage.卷心菜:任一种相似的或相关的植物,如中国卷心菜美国传统〔cholinergic〕Activated by or capable of liberating acetylcholine, especially as related to nerve fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system.被乙酰胆碱所活化的,释放乙酰胆碱的:尤指与副交感神经系统的神经纤维相关的被乙酰胆碱所活化的或能够释出乙酰胆碱的美国传统〔climacteric〕Of or relating to a climacteric.更年期的:更年期的或与之相关的美国传统〔cognate〕One related by blood or origin with another, especially a person sharing an ancestor with another.具血亲关系者:与另一个人的血缘或来源相关的人,尤指与别人有共同祖先的人美国传统〔colonial〕Of, relating to, possessing, or inhabiting a colony or colonies.殖民地的:拥有或居住在殖民地的,或与之相关的美国传统〔colubrid〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the Colubridae.无毒蛇的:属于无毒蛇的或与之相关的,无毒蛇的美国传统〔colubrine〕Of, relating to, or resembling a snake.蛇的:像蛇的或与蛇相关的美国传统〔combustor〕A combustion chamber and its igniters, injectors, and other related apparatus in a jet engine or gas turbine.燃烧室:喷气发动机或气轮机内的燃烧室及其点火器、喷头和其他相关的装置美国传统〔coney〕Chiefly Florida Keys Chiefly West Indies Either of two related fish, the red hind or the graysby.【多用于佛罗里达群岛】 【多用于西印度群岛】 红点石斑鱼:两种相关的鱼,红点石斑鱼或血红石斑鱼美国传统〔conventual〕Of or relating to a convent.女修道院的:女修道会的或与之相关的美国传统〔correlative〕Man has rights only in so far as they are a correlative of duty.只有履行了与权利相关的义务, 人才能享受权利。外研社新世纪〔couple〕Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.海洋表面温度与大气的流动是密切相关的英汉大词典〔deaf〕Deaf Of or relating to the Deaf or their culture. Deaf 聋人的,聋人文化的:聋人的或聋人的文化的,或与其相关的美国传统〔diocesan〕Of or relating to a diocese.教区的:教区的或同教区相关的美国传统〔directly〕The two accidents are directly related.两起事故是直接相关的韦氏高阶〔disconnected〕His ability to absorb bits of disconnected information was astonishing.他吸收利用互不相关的零碎信息的能耐惊人。柯林斯高阶〔downburst〕An extremely powerful downward air current from a cumulonimbus cloud, typically associated with thunderstorm activity.下降气流:多与雷雨相关的来自积雨云的极强下降气流美国传统〔durative〕Of, related to, or being the verbal aspect that expresses action continuing unbroken for a period of time.(动词)持续性的:用来表示动作继续一段时间而未中断的动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔e.g.〕Give details of relevant work experience during the last two years, e.g. weekend or holiday jobs.请详细列出最近两年内相关的工作经历,例如周末兼职或假期打工。麦克米伦高阶〔emic〕Of or relating to features or items analyzed with respect to their role as structural units in a system, as in behavioral science or linguistics.位的,主位的:行为科学或语言学分析中,一些特征或项目在整个系统中的结构性角色的,或与其相关的美国传统〔estuarine〕Of, relating to, or found in an estuary.港湾的:在港湾中形成(或淤积的)或与之相关的美国传统〔handbook〕If you have not kept a pet parrot before, it would be wise to purchase a handbook on the subject.如果你以前没有养过宠物鹦鹉, 最好去买一本相关的指南。外研社新世纪〔head start〕You've got a head start over/on others trying to get the job because you've got relevant work experience.你比其他求职者有优势,因为你有相关的工作经验。剑桥高阶〔heterochromatic〕Of or relating to heterochromatin.异染质的:异染色质的或与之相关的美国传统〔heterogametic〕Of or relating to heterogametes.异形配子的:异形配子的或与之相关的美国传统〔intertextual〕Relating to or deriving meaning from the interdependent ways in which texts stand in relation to each other.主题交互相关的:与相关主题互相依赖的方式有关或是其衍生义美国传统〔irrelative〕Having no correlative relationship; unconnected.不相关的:没有相互关联的;不相关的美国传统〔irrelevant〕He either ignored questions or gave irrelevant answers.他要么不回答问题, 要么给出不相关的答案。外研社新世纪〔life-support〕Of or relating to the methods, equipment, or conditions needed to sustain life.维持生命的,保障生命的:维持生命所必需的方法、装备或条件的或与其相关的美国传统〔limited〕Abbr. ltd.,Ltd.,Ld.Of, relating to, or being a limited company.缩写 ltd.,Ltd.,Ld.有限公司的:有限公司的、与之相关的或作为有限公司的美国传统〔lingual〕Of, relating to, or situated near the tongue or a tonguelike organ.舌的,舌状器官的:舌或舌状器官的、与之相关的或位于其附近的美国传统〔mallow〕Any of various related plants, such as the rose mallow.锦葵类植物:与上述植物相关的一种植物,例如玫瑰锦葵美国传统〔migratory〕Of or relating to a migration.移民群的:移民群的与之相关的美国传统〔nephritic〕Of, relating to, or affected with nephritis.肾炎的:患肾炎的,与之相关的或受之影响的美国传统〔nightshade〕Any of various similar or related plants, such as belladonna.其他相似或相关的植物的一种,如颠茄美国传统〔nonrenewable〕Of or relating to an energy source, such as oil or natural gas, or a natural resource, such as a metallic ore, that is not replaceable after it has been used.不可再生的:能源(如石油、天然瓦斯)或自然资源(如金属矿石)等一旦被使用就无法再生的或与其相关的美国传统〔onomastic〕Of, relating to, or explaining a name or names.专有名词的:一个名字或多个名字的,与之相关的,或解释其意义的美国传统〔point〕Having relevance or pertinence.有关系的,相关的美国传统〔precolonial〕Of, relating to, or being the period of time before colonization of a region or territory.殖民前期的:某一地区或领地殖民地化之前那段时间的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔prelaw〕Of, relating to, or being the studies that prepare one for the study of law.法律预科的:为法律学习作准备的学习的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔premillenarian〕Of or relating to premillennialism.千禧年前论的:千年至福期前的或与之相关的美国传统〔procephalic〕Of, relating to, or located on or near the front of the head.头前部的:头前部或其附近的、与之相关的或位于其的美国传统〔protohuman〕Of or relating to various extinct hominids or other primates that resemble modern human beings.原人的:各种已灭绝的人科动物或其它类似于现代人类的灵长目动物的或与它们相关的美国传统〔psychosexual〕Of or relating to the mental and emotional aspects of sexuality.精神性欲的:性欲的心灵和情感层面的或与之相关的美国传统〔relevant〕Relevant documents were presented in court.法庭上出示了相关的文件。朗文当代〔roach〕Any of various similar or related fishes, such as some North American sunfishes.欧鲤,太阳鱼:各种类似或相关的鱼类中的任一种,如北美的太阳鱼美国传统〔sauropterygian〕Of or relating to a sauropterygian.鳍龙目的:鳍龙目的或与其相关的美国传统〔semiabstract〕Of or relating to an art form characterized by stylized but recognizable subject matter.半抽象的:一种以风格化但仍可辨认的主题为特征的艺术形式的或与之相关的美国传统〔semiclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a work that in style or form falls between the classical and popular genres.半古典的:某件在风格或形式上介于古典和通俗类型之间的作品的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔series〕A succession of usually continuously numbered issues or volumes of a publication, published with related authors or subjects and similar formats.丛书:以相关的作者或主题和相似的格式印刷,通常是连续编号的发行物或出版物的卷美国传统〔several〕Law Relating separately to each party of a bond or note.【法律】 与债券相关的,与票据相关的:各自与债券或票据的一部分相关的美国传统〔shibboleth〕A word or phrase identified with a particular group or cause; a catchword.口号:与一个特别的群体或事业相关的词或词组;标语美国传统〔sigmoid〕Of or relating to the sigmoid flexure of the colon.乙状结肠的:乙状结肠的或与之相关的美国传统〔simplex〕Of or relating to a telecommunications system in which only one message can be sent in either direction at one time.单工的:一次只能朝任一个方向转送一条信息的电信系统的或与之相关的美国传统〔sparrow〕Any of several similar or related birds, such as the house sparrow or the Java sparrow.雀形鸟类:任一种与雀科鸟相似或相关的鸟类,如家雀或禾雀美国传统〔spiritual〕Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul.灵魂的,与灵魂相关的,影响灵魂的美国传统〔spread〕Two facing pages of a magazine or newspaper, often with related matter extending across the fold.杂志或报纸对折的两页,常有相关的内容横贯两版美国传统〔stipulate〕The regulations stipulate that everything has to comply to the relevant safety standards.条例规定一切都要遵守相关的安全标准。朗文当代〔suffragan〕Of, being, or relating to a suffragan.副主教的:副主教的、属于副主教的或与副主教相关的美国传统〔suite〕A group of related things intended to be used together; a set.组,套:一组一起使用的相关的东西;一套美国传统〔symbolist〕Of or relating to symbolism.象征主义的或与之相关的美国传统〔symposiac〕Of, relating to, or appropriate to a symposium.讨论会(座谈会或专题报告会)的、与之相关的或适于之的美国传统〔synergistic〕Theology Of or relating to synergism.【神学】 神人协作论的或与之相关的美国传统〔systemic〕Of or relating to systems or a system.系统的或体系的或与之相关的美国传统〔tangent〕Irrelevant.不相关的美国传统〔thoracolumbar〕The inflammation associated with this disease can lead to decreased spinal extension, particularly in the thoracolumbar junction.与这一疾病相关的炎症可能会导致脊椎,特别是胸腰部脊椎,伸张程度减弱。剑桥高阶〔translative〕Relating to or used in the translation of a language.翻译的:与翻译语言相关的,用于翻译语言的美国传统〔twin〕The projects are twinned in the plan.这两项工程在计划中是密切相关的英汉大词典〔unconnected〕The movie is about four seemingly unconnected people.这部影片讲的是四个看似不相关的人的故事。韦氏高阶〔vertical〕Anatomy Of or relating to the vertex of the head.【解剖学】 头颅顶的:属于头顶的或与其相关的美国传统〔watercress〕Any of several related aquatic plants.任一种相关的水生植物美国传统〔whip snake〕Any of several similar or related snakes.类鞭蛇:与此类蛇相似或相关的蛇的一种美国传统〔wildcat〕Of, relating to, or being an oil or natural-gas well drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive.野猫井的,初探井的:在不知是否产出的地区投机钻探的油井或汽井的,与此相关的或作为此的美国传统All-risk policies often have a war and related risks exclusion.一切险保险单通常不包括战争及相关的风险。牛津商务There were pages of information but the facts were virtually inextricable from irrelevant details.尽管资料有好几页,但不相关的细节和事实几乎完全纠缠在一起了。剑桥国际

