
单词 英属
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔British East Africa〕The former British territories of eastern Africa, including Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, and Zanzibar.英属东非:包括肯尼亚、乌干达、坦干伊喀和桑给巴尔在内的原属英国的非洲东部地区美国传统〔British North America〕The former British possessions in North America north of the United States. The term was once used to designate Canada.英属北美洲部分:北美洲的原英国属地,位于美国以北。这一术语曾用来指加拿大美国传统〔British Solomon Islands〕A former British protectorate in the Solomon and Santa Cruz islands of the southwest Pacific Ocean.英属所罗门群岛:太平洋西南部的所罗门群岛和圣克鲁斯群岛,原是英国的被保护国美国传统〔British West Africa〕The former British territories of western Africa, including Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Togoland, and Cameroons.英属西非:非洲西部原属英国的领地,包括尼日利亚、冈比亚、塞拉利昂、黄金海岸、多哥兰和喀麦隆美国传统〔British West Indies〕The islands of the West Indies that were formerly under British control, including Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas.英属西印度群岛:西印度群岛上原属英国管辖的群岛,包括牙买加、巴巴多斯、特立尼达、多巴哥以及巴哈马群岛美国传统〔Cameroons〕A region and former German protectorate of west-central Africa. After World War I the territory was divided into British Cameroons and French Cameroons.喀麦隆:中西非的一个地区,是原德国安全区。第一次世界大战后该领土被划分为英属喀麦隆和法属喀麦隆美国传统〔Graham Land〕A region of Antarctica near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Part of the British Antarctic Territory, it is also claimed by Argentina and Chile.格雷厄姆地:接近南极半岛顶部的南极地区。为英属南极领土的一部分,阿根廷和智利也声称对其拥有主权美国传统〔Tortola〕An island of the West Indies east of Puerto Rico. It is the largest of the British Virgin Islands.托托拉岛:西印度群岛中一岛屿,位于波多黎各以东,它是英属维尔金群岛中最大的一个岛屿美国传统〔UNITE〕In 1960, British and Italian Somaliland united to form Somalia. 1960年,英属索马里兰和意属索马里兰合并成立索马里。朗文写作活用〔Wakashan〕A family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Nootka and other peoples of Washington and British Columbia.瓦卡希语组:努特卡人及华盛顿地区和英属哥伦比亚省其他民族说的北美印第安语系美国传统〔colony〕Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies.我们的很多部队和军官分驻世界各地的英属殖民地,为英王效力。柯林斯高阶〔crown colony〕A British colony in which the government in London has some control of legislation, usually administered by an appointed governor.英国直辖殖民地:伦敦政府对其立法有所控制的英属殖民地,通常由一个国王任命的都督管理美国传统〔disjoint〕Great Britain was disjointed from her colonies.英属殖民地脱离了英国。外研社新世纪〔independence〕Independence came to the British colonial territories in Africa in the late fifties and early sixties.在 50 年代末 60 年代初,非洲的英属殖民地获得了独立。牛津搭配〔intervene〕A vast distance intervened between our position and the frontier of British India.我们的位置与英属印度的边境相距遥远。外研社新世纪〔overextended〕The British East India Tea Company was overextended and faced bankruptcy.英属东印度茶业公司摊子大、开支多, 已濒临破产。外研社新世纪

