
单词 精装本
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕The book is published by HarperCollins, and costs $15 in hardback and $4.95 in paperback. 该书由哈珀一柯林斯出版社出版,精装本售15美元,平装本售4.95美元。朗文写作活用〔book〕I can't afford to buy hardback books.我没有钱买精装本的书。朗文当代〔copy〕The hardback costs £16.99 a copy.精装本卖 16.99 英镑一册。朗文当代〔deluxe〕The deluxe edition of the book includes many more illustrations.这本书的精装本有更多的插图。韦氏高阶〔do〕The publisher proposed to do both a hardback and a cheap paperback edition.出版商提议既出精装本也出廉价的纸面本。英汉大词典〔hardback〕Her first novel sold over 40,000 copies in hardback.她的第一部小说的精装本销售了4万多册。麦克米伦高阶〔hardback〕His autobiography has sold more than 36,000 copies in hardback.他的自传精装本已经卖出了36,000多册。柯林斯高阶〔hardback〕His first novel sold over 40,000 copies in hardback.他的第一本小说卖出了 4 万多本精装本朗文当代〔hardback〕His latest novel will be published in hardback later this month.他的最新小说将在本月晚些时候以精装本的形式出版。剑桥高阶〔hardback〕His second book came out in hardback last month.他的第二本书上个月以精装本面市。牛津搭配〔hardback〕It was published in hardback last year.这书去年以精装本出版。牛津高阶〔hardback〕It's only available in hardback.这本书只有精装本牛津搭配〔hardback〕What's the price of the hardback? 精装本多少钱?牛津高阶〔hardcover〕The book will be published in hardcover.这书将以精装本出版。英汉大词典〔hardcover〕The novel was published in hardcover.这部小说是以精装本的形式出版的。剑桥高阶〔jaunty〕The new hard covers match the jaunty look of the original series.新的精装本跟原来丛书的整洁外观非常匹配。外研社新世纪〔softback〕It is published by Boxtree, at £5.99 for the softback and £15.99 for the hardback.这本书由黄杨出版社出版, 平装本售价5.99英镑, 精装本售价15.99英镑。外研社新世纪Annoyingly enough, I'd just bought the hardback when the paperback edition came out.真够叫人来气,我才买了精装本,可平装本也出来了。剑桥国际His latest novel will be published in hardback later this month.他的最新小说将在本月晚些时候以精装本的形式出版发行。剑桥国际I've ordered the paperback/hardback edition of their dictionary.我已订购了他们词典的平装/精装本剑桥国际She'd much rather buy hardbacks than paperbacks.她更情愿买精装本而不买平装本。剑桥国际The novel was originally published in hardcover.小说最初是以精装本的形式出版发行的。剑桥国际The potential readership of this book is huge, and it's a pity (that) it's available only as a hardback. [+ (that) clause] 这本书的潜在读者很多,很遗憾只有精装本有售。剑桥国际

