
单词 非常少
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAMPLE〕Some users of Ecstasy have actually died, but such instances are very rare. 有些人服用了“狂喜”迷幻药真的送了命,但是这种事例非常少朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕A few science boffins were asked for their opinions, but otherwise the article gave very little information. 文中征询了一些科学家的意见,但除此以外这篇文章提供的信息非常少朗文写作活用〔LAW〕He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation. 由于所得税法规中存在着某些漏洞,他缴纳的税非常少朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Unfortunately, the photographs can tell us very little about the potential for life on Mars. 遗憾的是,关于火星上是否有生命存在,这些照片能告诉我们的非常少朗文写作活用〔air time〕Even the best women's teams get little air time.就算是最优秀的女子队,上广播的时间都非常少柯林斯高阶〔breed〕Real cowboys are a dying breed (=not many exist anymore) .真正的牛仔现在已非常少见。朗文当代〔fair〕He's done the job badly but, to be fair, I gave him very little time to do it.他工作干得很糟糕,但是说句公道话,我给他的时间非常少剑桥高阶〔hardship〕One of the worst hardships is having so little time to spend with one's family.最大的痛苦之一是陪家人的时间非常少外研社新世纪〔inelastic〕For skilled occupations the supply of labour is typically fairly inelastic, because few workers are capable of doing the work.对于技术工作来说,劳动力供给的变化通常是比较小的,因为能胜任工作的工人非常少剑桥高阶〔lapse〕On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.星期五那天他的表现既不得体,又有失尊严。如此失态非常少有。柯林斯高阶〔library〕Guests were rarely entertained in the library.在书房里招待客人非常少见。外研社新世纪〔meet〕It is one of the rare places in the world where the desert meets the sea.世界上沙漠与大海相接的地方非常少见,这里就是一处。柯林斯高阶〔microloan〕A very small, often short-term loan made to an impoverished entrepreneur, as in an underdeveloped country.小额贷款:额度非常少、常为短期、贷放在低度开发国家的贫穷企业贷款美国传统〔overhead〕Her company has very little overhead.她公司的营运费用非常少韦氏高阶〔precious〕I've had precious little sleep over the last two days.过去两天我睡得非常少麦克米伦高阶〔rare〕It is rare to find such loyalty these days.这样忠心耿耿,在今天非常少见。牛津高阶〔relic〕The country's employment system is a relic of the 1960s when jobs were scarce.这个国家的就业体制是20世纪60年代遗留的产物,那时工作机会非常少剑桥高阶〔uncontested〕The opposition has so few candidates that a quarter of the seats will be uncontested.反对派的候选人非常少, 所以有四分之一的席位不存在争议。外研社新世纪〔very〕Very few people came to the wedding.非常少的;很少的麦克米伦高阶〔weak〕The case is weak because it is based on very little real evidence.这一案例没有说服力,因为它的真实证据非常少麦克米伦高阶〔wise up〕Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance.一些保险公司已经意识到其客户所得到的保险金非常少柯林斯高阶She has very few liquid assets as most of her wealth is tied up in stocks and shares.她手头上的流动资产非常少,因为她大部分财产被套牢在股票上。剑桥国际State-run residential facilities for those who become too elderly or infirm to remain independent are few.州营的供年老体弱无法独立生活的人使用的居住设施非常少剑桥国际The desert gets little, if any rain (=almost none).沙漠中即使有降水的话,量也非常少剑桥国际

