
illusory怎么读: 音标[i'lju:sәri]
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◎ illusory是什么意思

a. 产生幻觉的, 幻影的, 错觉的
[法] 因错觉产生的, 虚幻的

s based on or having the nature of an illusion


1. It's an illusory moral concept that doesn't exist in nature.

只是虚幻的道德概念 自然界中并不存在

2. But, you know, like everything else in life, that could just be illusory.

但你也知道 和生活中的其他事一样 这可能只是错觉

3. Not the real you it's illusory, of course but the part of you that still lives inside of me.

不是真正的你 当然是虚幻的 不过是仍住在我心中的那一部分的你

4. Trust is an illusory crutch required by those who take comfort in false certainty.

信任只是那些想从 虚假的信念中寻求安慰的人虚构出来的支撑

5. I mean, look, I could tell you that I've been trying to uncover the abyss beneath my illusory connection with the world.

我可以告诉你 我一直试着去揭露 隐藏在我与这虚假世界之下的深渊

6. Look, as sentient meat, however illusory our identities are, we craft those identities by making value judgments.

作为有知觉的肉体 不管我们的身份多么虚幻 都是通过价值评判塑造的

7. While economic law abhors an assumption, the breakeven paradox creates a whole new metric, an illusory flow that appears proactive but is, in fact, static.

当经济法淘汰掉一种假设时 盈亏平衡悖论就创造出一种全新的度量标准 这种虚幻的流动看似主动 但实际上 是静止的
