
trading怎么读: 音标['treidiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ trading是什么意思

[经] 交易

n. buying or selling securities or commodities


1. You can trade in secrets, you can trade in lies, or you can trade in favors.

一种是机密 一种是谎言 还有一种是人情

2. say what we have to say, trade what we have to trade.

该谈什么谈什么 该做交易做交易

3. Trade in goods, but particularly trade in gold.

货物贸易 特别是黄金贸易

4. Get the trade, make the trade, testify, and we're done.

拿到 搞定交易 并作证 然后咱们两清

5. Deathstroke wants to make a trade, we make a trade.

丧钟想要交易 我们就去交易

6. The body parts trade coexists with the drug trade in border towns.

在边境城镇 肢体器官交易 一直与*交易共存

7. I can trade for things, while the weakest can only trade their carbon for compost.

我可以换东西 而最弱的人只能把他们的碳换成肥料

8. Every highfrequency trading firm wants their computer as close to the main server as possible, because it can shave off nanoseconds of time that it takes to make a trade.

每家高频交易公司都想让自家电脑 尽量靠近主服务器 这样就可以在进行交易时 减少几纳秒时间

9. If I could only trade places with you.


10. What I wouldn't trade for a chance at that.

这样的机会 可是千载难逢的
