
secularity怎么读: 音标[.sekju'læriti]
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◎ secularity是什么意思

n. 世俗主义, 俗心

n. Supreme attention to the things of the present life;


1. Secular, skilled in the ways of the world.

俗世之人 在尘世很吃得开

2. But then you find yourself unchallenged by divine and secular power.

但是然后你发现 神圣和世俗的力量的已不能撼动自己

3. You're wrong because I'm working on myself, and I'm in therapy. I'm in secular therapy.

你错了 因为我在寻找出路 我在治疗 我在世俗中寻找药方

4. It wasn't just some casual, secular sort of hookup.

这不是一次随意的 世俗的约炮

5. Oh, it's good to get a secular diagnosis.


6. Your secular prejudices blind you from seeing what's really happening here.

你们世俗的偏见 使你们无法看清事实

7. Well, I helped the way the secular elites always do.


8. I just think that religious events should be as interesting as secular events.

我觉得宗教活动 该跟世俗活动一样有趣才对

9. For generations the secular and the religious have lived separate existences in our country.

世代以来 我国的宗教派系 和领导层是相互独立的

10. Sawsan, like many, believe in a secular and free Iraq.

苏珊和许多人都相信 一个世俗自由的伊拉克的存在
