
fantail怎么读: 音标['fænteil]
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◎ fantail是什么意思

n. 扇形尾部, 鸭尾艄

n. an overhang consisting of the fan-shaped part of the deck extending aft of the sternpost of a ship


1. Keel haul recovery on the fantail is now complete.


2. Kiev, check his fantail, then shove a couple of grenades up under.

凱文 檢查他的* 然後扔幾枚手榴彈在上面

3. I went to the fantail to help with the wounded, where I stayed the rest of the day until we abandoned ship.

我去船的扇尾区帮助伤员 我在那儿待了一整天 直到我们弃船

4. Went right over the head, and one hit the fantail back here, and the rest was in a pattern around the stern of the ship.

掠过头顶 一枚炸弹击中了船尾 其他在船尾附近爆炸
