
chickadee怎么读: 音标['tʃikәdi:]
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◎ chickadee是什么意思

n. 山雀

n. any of various small grey-and-black songbirds of North America


1. Looks like you're not the only mountain chickadee around here.


2. She was mulder's chickadee when he just got out of the academy.

穆德刚毕业时 就是她的男友

3. Well, we don't need no welcome wagon, chickadee.

我们可不需要迎宾小姐 小妞儿

4. You chickadees must have some truly, deeply, terrible ideas.

你們這些小鳥肯定有一些真實而深入的 壞主意

5. They're barely half the size of a chickadee and only need about 9 calories a day.

它们的体型还不到山雀的一半 一天也只需要9卡路里能量

6. And there's no way I'm letting someone with those cheekbones steal all the chickadees I'll be macking on at the wedding.

我也不能让有那么性感颧骨的人 跟我在婚礼上抢妹子

7. I plunge my delicate soul into peril every time a crying mama comes to me about her missing chickadee.

每当有哭泣的母亲来找我 帮忙寻找她丢失的孩子 我就将自己脆弱的灵魂置于险境
