
llama怎么读: 音标['lɑ:mә]
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◎ llama是什么意思

n. 美洲驼

n. wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump


1. Lana loves a llama, but the llama loves pajamas.

拉娜喜欢大羊驼 但大羊驼喜欢睡衣

2. I once shipped a llama very expensive.

我曾经寄过一只羊驼 运费非常贵

3. And that's when I discovered I was allergic to llamas.


4. It would be like... killing a llama.

就像没人会杀 美洲驼一样

5. So, I was a llama shaver from 1975 to 1977.

在1975到1977年 我给羊驼剃毛

6. No, not one. It's two llamas, two giraffes.

不是一只 是两只美洲驼 和两只长颈鹿

7. Okay, I'm off to see some morons that have a llama in their apartment.

我要去看一些* 他们在公寓里养了羊驼

8. Leo, that was one shovelful of sunladen llama fat.

列奥 应该是一铲子晒干的羊驼油

9. I swear I saw a llama conopas by the ruins of the slaughterhouse.


10. And even if we do sell a pair, they'll cost as much to ship as a llama.

而且即使我们真的卖出去了 它们的运费跟羊驼一样贵
