
haemoglobin怎么读: 音标[,hi:mәu'^lәubin]
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◎ haemoglobin是什么意思

[化] 血红蛋白
[医] 血红蛋白

n a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteristic color; function primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues


1. So this is haemoglobin containing oxygen and this is haemoglobin that isn't bound to very much oxygen.

这边是结合了氧的血红蛋白 而这边是没有结合很多氧的血红蛋白

2. And the shape of haemoglobin is so important because when one molecule of oxygen binds to the haemoglobin protein, it actually changes the shape and that encourages more molecules of oxygen to bind.

血红蛋白的形态十分重要 因为当一分子氧结合到血红蛋白上 实际上这会改变其形态 以便于结合更多的氧

3. He has irondeficient anaemia with low haemoglobin.

他患有缺铁性贫血 血红蛋白低

4. But what we can do in this experiment is oxygenate the haemoglobin.

而我们做的这个实验 就是氧化血红蛋白

5. That's because this is haemoglobin that doesn't contain very much oxygen.

那是因为这里的血红蛋白 并没含有太多氧

6. The next protein we can look at here is called haemoglobin.


7. So haemoglobin makes up about 97% of the dry weight of our red blood cells.

血红蛋白占据了我们红细胞 干重的百分之九十七

8. And if you have too much of this kind of haemoglobin in your body that's not good news at all, because you're not getting enough oxygen.

如果你体内含有太多这种血红蛋白 那可不是好事 说明你的体内没有充足的氧气

9. And so you can imagine how good an oxygen transporter our red blood cells are, because they contain all this haemoglobin.

你们可以想象 我们的红细胞 是多么厉害的氧气运输者 因为它们富含血红蛋白
