
repo怎么读: 音标['ri:pәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ repo是什么意思

n. 购回债券(等于repurchase agreement)


1. So, when I got back, I got into boat repo.

所以我回来之后 就干起了船只回收

2. My son and I bought that car from a repo man.


3. I make all of my repo guys record every repossession.

我所有的伙计 都会录下每项收回任务

4. I just want to work repo like I'm supposed to.


5. You know, growing up, we were on a firstname basis with our repo man.

我小时候 我们家跟收账的人都互相叫小名

6. The bank and the repo man. I fell behind on my payments.

银行和回收车的人啊 我没按时还款

7. Okay. I mean, I was mad when they repoed my truck, but I paid what I owed.

好吧 我的卡车被回购时我确实是疯了 但我都付出应有的代价了

8. Creditors seized all of his assets, and now they're currently sitting in a repo storage facility.

债权人拿走了他的所有资产 现在都被收放在一个寄存仓库里

9. They're two criminals we picked up at the diner after the car they stole got repoed by the cops.

我们在餐厅捎上的罪犯 她们偷的车被警察扣押了

10. I'm just saying, they got shows on fishermen and repo men, even those duck guys with the beards.

你看渔民和替人讨债题材的真人秀都有 甚至跟小丑一样的潜水员都有
