
avarice怎么读: 音标['ævәris]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ avarice是什么意思

n. 贪婪

n. reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)
n. extreme greed for material wealth


1. But above all it was decadence, avarice and lust.

但最主要的是堕落 贪婪 *

2. We must take the lust and the avarice and the ambition and bury them.

我们必须将淫欲 贪婪 野心 深埋心中

3. Using the spoils of your father's avarice to bankroll his destruction.

利用令尊巧取豪夺之所得 资助摧毁他的势力

4. And our home has, in fundamental ways, been polluted by avarice and political megalomania.

我们的家园 从根本上来说 已经被贪婪和*上的狂妄自大所污染

5. Let's not forget how it spread round the world, from a system steeped in illusion, exploitation and avarice.

我们先忘记这一切是如何散播到世界各地的 整个体制就沉浸在幻觉 剥削 与贪婪之中
