
planetoid怎么读: 音标['plænitɒid]
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◎ planetoid是什么意思

n. 小行星, 类行星的物体

n any of numerous small celestial bodies that move around the sun


1. Captain, I'm registering gravimetric instability in the planetoid.

艦長 我探測發現小行星的引力不穩定

2. The signals don't seem to be moons, stars or any other type of planetoid.

這些信號似乎不是衛星 恒星 或是任何小行星形成的

3. You know, we could always use a big, strong planetoid in our ranks.


4. We ain't exactly welcome back on that neonlit gaming planetoid.


5. Phase connectors are used to crack open asteroids and *all planetoids for heavy mining.

相位连接器是用来炸开小游星 和小行星来进行大型采矿的
