
Buddhist怎么读: 音标['budist]
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◎ Buddhist是什么意思

n. 佛教徒
a. 佛教的

n. one who follows the teachings of Buddha
a. of or relating to or supporting Buddhism


1. I didn't realize you were a buddhist,vince.

文斯 我以前不知道你是佛教徒

2. It makes me think of this buddhist parable that I like.


3. Buddhist monks created a colossus to calm the torrents.


4. I read something interesting in a buddhist book this morning.

我今早在一本佛教书里 读到了一些有趣的东西

5. Buddhist monks play a vital role in the community here.


6. I know you were a buddhist monk and kept a vow of silence.

我知道你生前是佛教弟子 一直恪守缄默法则

7. Buddhist scenes began to appear as standard motifs.


8. Buddhists use a metaphor to help explain what karma is.


9. Buddhists believe this cycle of death and destruction can be broken.

佛教徒相信 这种死亡与毁灭的循环能够被打破

10. Buddhists see the world as an intricate web of relationships to others.

佛教徒认为这个世界就是由我们和其他人 错综复杂的关系网组成
