
fornication怎么读: 音标[.fɒ:ni'keiʃәn]
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◎ fornication是什么意思

n. 通奸, 乱伦
[医] 非法性交

n. voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other


1. He's an idiot and a fornicator and he brought this on himself.

他是个* 通奸者 这是他自找的

2. His name is Isaac Isaac the fornicator.

他叫艾萨克 私通者艾萨克

3. Unobtainium and characters who fornicate with their ponytails.


4. fornication, the amorality at court, the bloodshed.

婚外情 宫廷中无道德约束 还有杀戮

5. The story of Isaac the fornicator is a holy one.

私通者艾萨克的故事 是神圣的
