
corroboration怎么读: 音标[kә.rɒbә'reiʃәn]
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◎ corroboration是什么意思

n. 确实, 确证, 确证的事实
[法] 加强证据, 独立证据, 确证

n confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence


1. This isn't proof, but this is corroboration.

这不是证据 但可以作为佐证

2. He had no corroborating evidence, but I'll find it.

他没有相关证据 但我能找到

3. I have names if you wish to corroborate.

如果你们需要人证 我可以提供姓名

4. But we're obligated to corroborate his confession.


5. I mean, there is no followup, no corroboration.

你的故事没有参较 没有确凿证据

6. Janko, I want you with me, to corroborate it.

杨科 我想你和我一起去做见证人

7. There's no confession, no gun, no corroboration.

没有口供 没有凶器 没有确证

8. It was a he said/she said with no corroboration.


9. And she needs her to corroborate an alibi.


10. I'm gonna have to corroborate your story.

