
revolutionize怎么读: 音标[.revә'lu:ʃәnaiz]
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◎ revolutionize是什么意思

vt. 向...鼓吹革命, 使发生革命性剧变

v. change radically
v. overthrow by a revolution, of governments
v. fill with revolutionary ideas


1. Maybe you'll be the neurobiologist who revolutionizes paintball.

没准你能成为彻底改革 漆弹的神经生物学家呢

2. Adding on this reinnervation, it revolutionizes the whole thing.

加入这个神经移植术后 整个前景就完全不一样了

3. He helped to revolutionize the way steel was manufactured.


4. They are totally revolutionizing this stuff with stateoftheart solutions.

他们用最先进的技术 对这东西进行了革新

5. We've seen how the internet has revolutionized the sex industry.


6. It's gonna totally revolutionize the golf club forget it.

这将掀起高尔夫球棒的革命 算了吧

7. And we're here to revolutionize the way you report bugs on your mobile platform.

我们要彻底改变 大家在移动平台上报错的方式

8. This could revolutionize travel, energy, security, just about anything.

这能带来变革 旅游 能源 安全 改变一切

9. Apparently, it's going to revolutionize the body armor business.

显然 这会是防弹衣界的革新技术

10. So I'm on the cusp of revolutionizing the way doctors communicate with their patients.

所以我现在正处在 医患交流方式的改革前沿
