
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Gert是什么意思

n. (Gert)人名;(瑞典)耶特;(英、丹、德)格特;(荷)赫特
abbr. 图形评审技术(Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique)


1. Gert and I have been debating this for a while.


2. Gert, I don't think you should look for him.

格特 我觉得你不该找他

3. Gert's waiting for you. I'll be up in a second.

格特在等你 我马上就来

4. Gert loves you. I saw it with my own eyes.

格特爱你 我亲眼看到了

5. Gert, there are things going on you can't understand.

格特 有些事情你不明白

6. Gert was just...afraid that you wouldn't support her decision.

格特只是害怕 你不会支持她的决定

7. Gert was right, I was the perfect church girl.

格特说得对 我就是为教会而生的

8. Gert has prepared some literature, so just raise your hand if you're interested, and she will sign you up.

格特准备得很充分 如果你感兴趣就请举手 她就会给你们签字报名
