
sprig怎么读: 音标[sprig]
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◎ sprig是什么意思

n. 小树枝, 无头钉
vt. 用小树枝装饰, 用钉子钉上, 使蔓生

n. an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers


1. You were but a sprig of parsley garnishing my beefsteak.


2. you'll be right under that cute little sprig.


3. I require total silence and a sprig of rosemary.


4. Chilled whipped cream, a sprig of mint and my worldfamous nuts.

冷冻奶油 一枝薄荷 还有我世界闻名的坚果[蛋蛋]

5. And finally pop in a sprig of pine needle to make it look the part.

最后插几枝松针 就蛮像那么回事了

6. Okay, just one sprig of parsley per plate, please.

听着 每盘只能有一棵欧芹

7. Putting little sprigs of rosemary on the plate, putting it on a bed of moss and shit.

把迷迭香的小枝干摆在盘子上 把盘子放在苔藓上面之类的

8. A little planzamine to slow the heart, sprig of diazepam to rev down the brain, dusting of ephedrine to make his hands cold to the touch.

来点普兰名减缓心跳 来点安定减慢大脑运转 再加点麻黄素 让他的手冰冰凉

9. We also wanted to feature something particular to each location, so we thought sprigs of native wild flowers indigenous to each country that you're visiting.

同时我们也想点缀一些各地的特色 所以在您访问各个国家时 我们会以一小束带茎的当地花卉来点缀
