
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ moistened是什么意思

a. 弄湿的

v make moist
v moisten with fine drops


1. Between your legs quivers and moistens with longing.


2. I will, as soon as we have broken up, moisten with my tears.

立马大把香肩任我靠 以拭我泪水飙

3. Give us the info we need, and we'll moisten you up and be on our way.

给我们想要的情报 我们就会给你滋润 马上离开

4. I just need to moisten that with a little bit of water and then roll out the pastry for the top.

我只需要用一些水沾湿碗沿的面皮 然后擀出盖在上面的面皮

5. All our food is delicately broken down and moistened by the mouths of 100 percent real mothers.

我们的食物是由百分百保真的母亲 用嘴嚼碎 并且咀嚼融合的

6. I cannot detach one page from the next, as I would with bare hands, moistening my fingers until a good portion of the poison had passed to my mouth.

是不能像光着手那样 边舔手指边翻页的 直到一定量的毒药从口而入
