
inferiority怎么读: 音标[in.fiәri'ɒriti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ inferiority是什么意思

n. 自卑, 次等
[医] 下位, 下级, 次级, 劣等

n. the state of being inferior
n. an inferior quality
n. the quality of being a competitive disadvantage


1. My point is, we came to a country, found a people we deemed inferior, and stole their land right out from under them, and since then, we have imported different races we deem inferior to do our dirty work for us.

我想说的是 我们来到一个国家 自认为这里的人* 就从他们手上偷走土地 然后我们开始 把自认为*的不同人种运来当苦力

2. They're supposed to be inferior to us.


3. I write not as your inferior, but as your equal.

我不是以低人一等 而是以平等的身份写信给你

4. I'm an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.


5. Incidentally, they were inferior in every way.

顺便说一下 家用录像各方面都差一些

6. It is the moment we become inferior to the machine.

到那时 我们就 连机器都不如了

7. Inferior products win out all the time.

只要能先上市 劣质产品也能赢得市场

8. An abrasion on the inferior margin of the mandible.


9. Don't talk to us like we're your inferiors.


10. I no longer prop up people who are inferior to me.

