
intrude怎么读: 音标[in'tru:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ intrude是什么意思

vi. 闯入, 侵入
vt. 强加于

v. enter uninvited
v. search or inquire in a meddlesome way
v. thrust oneself in as if by force


1. Why aren't we you said there was an intruder.

為什么不去 你說了有人闖入

2. If you're an intruder, I have a gun.

如果你是个侵入者 我有枪

3. I wouldn't have intruded if it wasn't important.


4. Let's see what our intruders were up to.


5. I wouldn't have intruded on you, but I have orders.

我本來不想打擾你 但我有命令在身

6. That's not what I'm asking. I don't want to intrude.

这不是我要求你的事 我不想打扰你俩

7. So the police, they have no idea who these intruders were.

所以警方 他们不知道 那些入侵者是谁

8. I asked if you spoke to the intruders.


9. Eli, I am obviously intruding in there.

伊莱 我在这里显然不合时宜

10. I don't want to intrude on you while you're...processing.

