
hasty怎么读: 音标['heisti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ hasty是什么意思

a. 匆匆的, 轻率的, 性怠的

s. excessively quick
s. done with very great haste and without due deliberation


1. So let's not be too hasty because this doesn't have to be about your hu*and.

先別草率下結論 因為這不一定關乎你的丈夫

2. I think I've been about as hasty as a glacier.


3. Turns out, I may have been too hasty.

事实证明 我这个决定可能鲁莽了些

4. To avoid them making any hasty decisions.


5. And I promise you, bumbling into a hasty retreat wasn't a part of it.

而且我向你保证 装模作样仓促而逃不在计划之中

6. He could be counting on a certain hasty economic response.


7. I didn't see the point in jumping to any hasty conclusions.


8. Perhaps I made a hasty judgment, being too generous.

也许我是判断草率 说是屋棚都过誉了

9. You know, maybe I was a bit hasty about breaking us up.


10. Well, it's it's possible that I was a tad hasty, but you got my ire up.

也许我是有点欠考虑 但你当时惹怒我了
