
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ cultist是什么意思

n. 热衷搞迷信崇拜的人

n. a member of a religious cult
n. a member of an unorthodox cult who generally lives outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader


1. Otherwise, the cultists could falsely accuse me of trespassing.

如果不这样做 邪教分子会诬陷我非法入侵

2. No, I will see that woman roast upon a pyre before I give in to the demands of these cultists.

我要那女人被柴堆炙烤 绝不答应这邪教徒的要求

3. These things should knock those doomsday cultists on their asses long enough for us to get Irisa clear.

应该能搞定那些末日邪教徒 争取到时间把伊瑞莎救清醒
