
retaliatory怎么读: 音标[ri'tæliәtәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ retaliatory是什么意思

a. 报复的
[经] 报复性的

s. of or relating to or having the nature of retribution


1. Firing you makes this all look retaliatory.


2. Well, this could be a retaliatory act against the administration.


3. We profiled a series of retaliatory attacks.


4. You fire me, and I'll sue you and her for retaliatory termination.

你要是开了我 我就会告你们俩 报复性辞退

5. I think we're looking at an anger retaliatory rapist.


6. Alright then. I'm authorizing an immediate retaliatory strike.

那好吧 我批准立即实施报复打击

7. Which will, no doubt, be the staging area for a retaliatory attack.

那毫无疑问会成为他们报复性袭击的 集结待命点

8. Up until now he's been an equal opportunity, anger retaliatory sadist.

目前来看 他是机会均等主义者 愤怒报复型施虐狂

9. Sir, unless we completely cripple the vyerni, he'll still have retaliatory capability.

长官 除非我们使维厄尼号彻底瘫痪 否则他还是会有报复的能力

10. Their vessel was defending itself, and any further attack will be met with quote, "overwhelming retaliatory force".

他们的船只是正当防卫 如果接下来遭到任何袭击 他们将"奋力反击"
