
schoolmarm怎么读: 音标['sku:lmɑ:m]
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◎ schoolmarm是什么意思

n. 女教师, 女学究

n. a woman schoolteacher (especially one regarded as strict)


1. I am a schoolmarm or a fascist and a hypocrite.

我就是个女学究 法西斯或是伪君子

2. Started looking over my shoulder, checking my work like a schoolmarm.

开始像个女教师一样 越过我直接查看我的工作

3. I'm gonna be honest with you, teach, your schoolmarm shit's is getting old.

我得和你说句实话 老师 你那套教训人的派头挺烦人的

4. humiliating pretense that I'm some unattractive, unhappy spinster schoolmarm. I mean, please.

普通郁闷的 老*教师的耻辱假象 拜托

5. First in a long line of selfrighteous schoolmarms appointing themselves the moral guardians of the free world.

那些自以为是的女学究 把自己当成是这自由世界里的道德守护者

6. We're trying to save women from getting pulled into vans and cut to pieces, not crucify some schoolmarm who hasn't done anything.

我们是在保护女性 不被人绑架分尸 而不是去纠缠什么错都没犯的教师
