
rhetorically怎么读: 音标[rɪ'tɒrɪklɪ]
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◎ rhetorically是什么意思

adv. 在修辞学上, 讲究修辞地

r. in a rhetorical manner


1. I think that was more of a rhetorical question.

我觉得她只是在反问 没必要回答

2. We were hoping to talk to you about some of your rhetoric.


3. That was rhetorical. II have to study.

那是个反问句 我要学习了

4. No, that was a rhetorical, not a real question.

不 我那只是反问 不需要你们回答

5. I hope that was a rhetorical question.


6. That question was not designed to be rhetorical.

这个问题是让你回答的 不是问着玩的

7. I'm gonna assume that question is rhetorical.


8. Sorry! I thought that was, uh, rhetorical.

抱歉 我以为那是个夸张的说法

9. I'm not just being rhetorical here, you can join in.

我不是在这儿自问自答 你也可以发言

10. Some sugar. Itit was a rhetorical question.

一些糖 我说的是反问句
