
unforced怎么读: 音标[.ʌn'fɒ:st]
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◎ unforced是什么意思

a. 非强迫的, 自然的, 不勉强的
[法] 自动的, 自发的, 非强迫的

s. not resulting from undue effort; not forced


1. No, but they did walk away from the museum together, unforced, and they drove off with someone they knew.

不知道 但他们确实是一起从博物馆 自愿搭乘熟人的车离开的

2. I had you at match point three times, and all three times, I lost in an unforced error.

我拿到三次赛点 三次我都送分给你

3. And considering the points awarded for wardrobe, it seems a little odd that he'd make such an unforced error.

考虑到比赛中有装扮分 他这么主动失误就有点奇怪
