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◎ chillingly是什么意思

adv. 冷淡地, 令人寒心地


1. Chill, chill, chill. I got you something.

冷静冷静冷静 我有东西要给你

2. Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill, chill, chill. I'm still gonna drink it.

慢着 慢着 我还是会喝的

3. You need to chill out. I'm chilled out, okay.

你得冷静会儿 我很冷静

4. Chill, guys, chill, there's plenty more where that came from.

别急 伙计们 那地方还有很多可以拿呢

5. Yeah, I was thinking more like chill and chill.


6. Danny, you chill white wine, you chill seviche.

丹尼 你整天喝白葡萄酒 吃酸橘汁腌鱼放松

7. And I don't know how you stole his face, but it is not chill, man. It's not chill.

我不知道你怎么偷到他的脸的 但这可不好 伙计 不好

8. In between each one, you chill it down you chill it down to get that butter nice and hard again.

两轮之间 需要冷冻面团 使得黄油 变硬

9. A lot of people stop chilling when it gets boring, so they never really hang in there to achieve a true state of... chill.

很多人无聊时就不继续放松了 所以他们没有坚持 达到放松的真正状态

10. I can't believe you're being so chill about this.

难以置信 你居然这么随和
