
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Winn是什么意思

n. (Winn)人名;(英、缅)温


1. Winn, there's no such thing as aliens.

温 根本没有外星人这种东西

2. Winn, I need to talk to you on the roof.

温 去屋顶上 我们谈谈

3. Winn, I want you to monitor everything from here.

温 你要远程监控一切动向

4. Winn, always bragging about how he did things.

温 他经常拿他做的事吹牛

5. Winn adapted it for moments just like this.

温对它做了改造 就为了在这种时候派上用场

6. Winn, let's start with the guys that purchased more than one weapon.

温 我们从那个 不止买了一把枪的人开始吧

7. Winn's still working on the psychic dampening technology.


8. Winn, please give them something else to think about.

温 说点其他事情让他们费脑筋吧

9. Winn said she didn't check in last night or report this morning.

