
tighter怎么读: 音标[taitə]
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◎ tighter是什么意思

a. 紧的( tight的比较级 ); (安排)紧凑的; 紧身的; 严密的

a closely constrained or constricted or constricting
s pulled or drawn tight
s set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration
s pressed tightly together
s (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity
s affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow
a of such close construction as to be impermeable
s of textiles
s securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid
s (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched
s very drunk
s exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent
s demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
s packed closely together


1. tighter and tighter, and he won't let me go until it's over.

越来越紧 他不肯放手 除非等一切结束

2. It's got to be tighter. I need it tighter.

得更緊湊些才行 我需要緊湊一點

3. You gotta grip it tighter, a lot tighter than that.

你得握得更紧 要比刚刚紧得多

4. It will just get tighter and tighter until I lose my hand.

并且会越缩越紧 直到我失去这只手

5. We've been in tighter spots than this.


6. But I've been in tighter spots than this and I'm still here.

但我经历过更恐怖的事 而我还活着

7. You know what it is? It's tighter that I would think.

你知道嗎 這比我想象的要緊

8. This is not a critici*, but I like it tighter than that.

我不是怪你啊 我更喜欢绑紧一点

9. No tighter than your former fiances, I'm sure.


10. The boy was tighter than my first wife.

