
reengineering怎么读: 音标[rɪ'endʒɪnɪərɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ reengineering是什么意思



1. How we're starting to reengineer nature itself.


2. What they're doing is effectively reengineering nature for our benefit.

他们现在做的 就是为迎合我们的利益 有效地重组大自然

3. Okay, I'll bring it up at the reengineering committee, but no promises.

好了 我会在 行政会议上提起的 但是我不保证啊

4. No one really was reengineering us, and we loved it.

没有人想要改造我们 我们很高兴

5. I was actually starting to worry about how we were gonna reengineer the pathogen.

我本来都开始担心 我们要如何改造病原体

6. If we could pinpoint which mutation allowed it to concentrate in his lungs, we could reengineer the vaccine to do the same.

如果我们能查出是哪种变异 让病毒全集中在他的肺部 我们就能改造疫苗 实现同样的效果

7. Well, I just wanted to talk to you about the memo I got from the reengineering committee about floating the nurses.

我想和你谈谈 我从改革委员会那里收到的备忘录 关于*流动的

8. If we can avoid having to reengineer it from a natural source, and make an entirely synthetic version, it should ultimately increase the efficiency.

如果我们可以避免 它的自我重造, 制成一个完全人工的版本, 这样它的有效性将大大提升

9. Their aim, to reprogramme oldfashioned brewers' yeast, by reengineering the cell, so that rather than producing alcohol, it now produces diesel.

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10. And he's got this scale model of the entire city reengineered with a monorail system that runs entirely on recycled coffee pods.

他建造了整个城市的缩尺模型 重新设计了单轨系统 完全是回收利用咖啡包制造的
