
sprinkling怎么读: 音标['spriŋkliŋ]
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◎ sprinkling是什么意思

n. 洒, 撒, 少量, 点滴, 稀落

n a small number (of something) dispersed haphazardly
n a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby
n the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)
n the act of sprinkling or splashing water
v distribute loosely
v cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force
v rain gently
v scatter with liquid; wet lightly


1. I had sprinkles all over my sweater.


2. I was sneezing sprinkles for a week.


3. Sprinkle some happiness to all the people out there.


4. Next donut out of the box has sprinkles.


5. I asked if the hemlock was sprinkled in her salad.


6. Wayne, you have chocolate sprinkles on your face.

韦恩 你脸上有巧克力粉

7. Sprinklers you turn 'em on, they sprinkle.

洒水装置 只要一打开 就开始*了

8. But that's what makes it so good sprinkled over potatoes.

但正因如此 撒在土豆上才会好吃啊

9. or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles.

也不是奶油脆 或者焦糖 或者糖屑

10. I was meaning to sprinkle this on the ice earlier.

