
drop怎么读: 音标[drɒp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ drop是什么意思

n. 滴, 微量, 落下, 空投
vi. 放下, 掉下, 下降
vt. 使滴下, 放下, 丢失, 遗漏
[计] 投入, 投入点, 接入点, 分接点

n. a shape that is spherical and small
n. a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid)
n. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
n. a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property)


1. Drop this case or I'll drop it for you.

别再追查这事 不然别怪我不客气

2. But, honey, he didn't have to drop you when he dropped her, and he did.

但亲爱的 他虽然抛下了你母亲 但也不用抛下你啊 可是他还是抛弃了你

3. And when I say drop it, you drop it.

我说别管了 你得听我的

4. Patrolman, drop the gun, or I drop you.

巡警 放下枪 否则我开枪了

5. I told you to drop my name, and you didn't drop it.

我让你报我的名字 但是你没报

6. Did you drop the hammer? I have not dropped the hammer.

你把事情说开了吗 没有说开

7. I know about a drop. I know about a drop.

我知道交货的事 我知道交货的事

8. And when you're watching him, and you see the bomb doors open, then you open too, and then you wait for him to drop bombs, and when he drops bombs, then you drop.

等待着他下一步动作 看见他的炸弹舱门打开了 就跟着打开炸弹舱门 接着你等着他投放炸弹 当他投放后 你也投放

9. which is why I'm offering to drop my haras*ent claim if you drop yours.

所以我会撤销对你骚扰的投诉 只要你也撤销对我的

10. You want me to shop until I drop, and I don't want to drop.

你想要我一直买到送礼那天 但我不想送礼
