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◎ PITTS是什么意思


n a British playwright who created the fictional character Sweeney Todd (1799-1855)
n English statesman and son of Pitt the Elder (1759-1806)
n English statesman who brought the Seven Years' War to an end (1708-1778)


1. This is officer pitts. I've got a 5150.

我是皮茨警官 我在5150区

2. Pitt, your task is to organise a ball in our honour.

彼特 你的任务是为我们举行舞会

3. Pitt hopes to strengthen his hand against those who oppose him but his handling of the war and the current financial crisis leaves his position in serious doubt.

皮特想增强自己的势力以对抗他的反对者 但他对战争和现在的经济危机的处理 让他的位置岌岌可危
