
Matilda怎么读: 音标[mә'ti:ldә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Matilda是什么意思

n. <澳口>(徒步旅行者的)行囊


1. Matilda, you don't have to be here if you don't want to.

瑪蒂爾達 如果你不愿意 你不必來這

2. Matilda was digging it, then I lost my grip on it.

玛蒂尔达帮我纠正 然后我就失控了

3. Matilda, you know I can't tell you anything.

马蒂尔达 你知道我不能告诉你

4. Matilda doesn't want everyone talking about it.


5. Matilda, I think you're great and fun.

玛蒂尔达 我觉得你很棒很有趣

6. Matilda, you don't even like ice cream.

玛蒂尔达 你根本不爱吃冰淇淋

7. Matilda fell asleep and I checked her computer.

玛蒂尔达睡了 我查了她的电脑

8. Matilda, think you've forgotten your act of listening skills.

瑪蒂爾達 我想你忘了傾聽技能
