
claiming怎么读: 音标[kleimɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ claiming是什么意思

v. 要求(应得权利)( claim的现在分词 ); 声称; 需要; 夺走

v assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing
v demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to
v ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example
v lay claim to; as of an idea
v take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs


1. left to claim her, so I claimed her.

能认领她 所以我我认领了

2. And then there were claims, claims that were untrue.

然后有很多传言 说这不是真的

3. I have no claim to authority, but I do have a claim to be heard.

我没有权威 但你要听我说

4. And you claim greater knowledge? I don't need somebody claims.

你号称你的知识更丰富 不用号称

5. They are claiming that they have him there.


6. Okay, well, we have to talk about our taxes and what we're gonna claim, and, no, you cannot claim I'm ruining your life.

那我们也得谈谈我们小店的税务 以及我们要索回哪些税款 还有 你不能表示[索款]我毁了你人生

7. You might not want to claim them like you claim everything else about me, but they are still my parents.

你或许不愿认他们 不像你占有我其他的东西那样 但他们仍然是我父母

8. Maybe, but a bullshit claim on the right day is better than a great claim on a bullshit day.

也许 但在正确日子的扯淡索赔 也比鬼日子的完美索赔攻击力更大

9. There's pages of claims and counter claims centered on whether it took effect at 35 or 40.

还有大量的申诉和反申诉文件 都是关于这份附件是35还是40岁开始生效的

10. The ones that claim to be "naturally thin" the ones that claim that they can eat everything they want to they are the ones working hardest of all.

那些声称自然瘦 就是那些声称想吃什么就吃什么的人 最在意她们的身材
