
culpability怎么读: 音标[.kʌlpә'biliti]
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◎ culpability是什么意思

n. 可责, 有罪性, 有过失

n a state of guilt


1. But we cannot forget my culpability in this.

不过不能忘了 这件事我也有错

2. From what I heard, you both had some culpability in that.

据我所知 那件事你们俩都有责任

3. I... I have been culpable, and I'm sorry.

我的行为该受到谴责 很抱歉

4. You could be seeing yourself as more culpable than you are.


5. no, you're culpable for the terrible things they do.

不 应该说他们的行为你难辞其咎

6. Let's make ourselves more culpable by touching the body.


7. We don't think he was culpable for the murder of your daughter.

我们认为他不应该承担 杀害你们女儿的罪责

8. She is capable and culpable of the most grotesque deceit.

她必须擅长 并且要为最荒诞的谎言作证

9. Our culpability is hardly a foregone conclusion.


10. Her culpability is insufficient to prove complicity.

