
indisputable怎么读: 音标[.indis'pju:tәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ indisputable是什么意思

a. 无争论之余地的

s. impossible to doubt or dispute


1. But we have indisputable evidence of his treachery.

但是我们有确凿的证据 能证明他的叛国罪

2. Indisputable proof that his they was correct.


3. We have indisputable evidence that he killed his father.


4. But we couldn't nail him without indisputable proof.


5. Indisputably the work of our mercenaries but no trace of any chemicals of any kind.

显然是这群佣兵所为 但未发现任何化学物质的痕迹

6. That this defiant pupil is the indisputable proof that his theory was correct.

他说挑衅的瞳孔 可以无可争辩地证明他理论的正确性

7. Genetics has been an indisputable science a lot longer than climate change.

与气候变化相比 遗传学 早就成为了毋庸置疑的科学

8. And to the school, over which he rules, one genius, indisputable, with loyalty and obedience to him.

以及忠于并顺从 由他这位无可争议的唯一天才 所管理的学校

9. He talks about a defiant pupil indisputable proof that his theory was correct.

说什么挑衅的瞳孔 可以无可争辩地证明他理论的正确性

10. And the evidence here is indisputable and bind me to granting the defendant's motion and di*issing the indictment.

现在证据无可争议 令我不得不准予被告的动议 撤销控诉
