
fractional怎么读: 音标['frækʃәnәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ fractional是什么意思

a. 部分的, 碎片的, 微少的, 断片的, 分数的, 分馏的
[计] T1电路

a. constituting or comprising a part or fraction of a possible whole or entirety


1. The average rate of star formation times the fraction of stars formed with planets that could support life, the fraction of those that could develop life and then intelligent life, the fraction of those that could develop technologies that might release detectable signals into space, and, of course, the time over which those signals might be detectable.

系内能形成恒星的平均速率 乘以行星系中 可能存在生命的类地行星比例 有生命进化可居住行星比例 并演化出高智生物的概率 其中高智生命 能发展出 释放到太空中可探测的通讯信号的概率 当然 最后是这些信号 可能被监测到的时间

2. Only a fraction of people that are exposed to a pathogen contract it, and only a fraction of them become symptomatic.

只有一小部分 暴露在病原体下的人会感染 也只有一小部分人会出现症状

3. it's not even a fraction of what we do to them.


4. For a fraction of what they're owed.


5. I received but only a fraction of my power.

我接收到了 但只是我力量的一小部分

6. If you were, you'd understand that what he's convicted of is only a fraction.

不然的话你就会明白 他所承认的只是很小一部分

7. But even so, she's only witnessed a fraction of what they do.

但即便如此 她也只目睹了象群行为的一部分

8. He couldn't pay me a fraction of what you're offering.


9. Under pressure, to you, at a fraction of their worth.


10. And then by the fraction by which intelligence appears.

