
ethan怎么读: 音标['i:θәn]
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◎ ethan是什么意思

n. 伊桑(男子名)


1. But if he hits me, then he doesn't hit ethan.

但如果他打我 他就不会打伊森了

2. Ethan, you are so brave to talk about all of this.

伊森 你真勇敢 愿意站出来谈这些事

3. Ethan would have been a lot like you.

伊森要是长大了 肯定跟你很像

4. Ethan is dying, and you didn't fight for him.

伊森要死了 你没有为他争取

5. Ethan, I didn't mean for you to stay.

伊森 我不是有意让你留下来的

6. Ethan, I don't know what they've told you.

伊森 我不知道他们对你说了什么

7. Ethan, we won't be able to cover you.

伊森 那样我们就不能掩护你了

8. Ethan, at least tell me what this is all about.

伊森 至少告诉我这些都是因为什么

9. Ethan, you are, and my kids love you to death.

伊桑 你很好 孩子们也很喜欢你

10. Ethan, I've been trapped here for 12 years.

伊森 我被困在这儿12年了
