
memento怎么读: 音标[mi'mentәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ memento是什么意思

n. 纪念物, 令人回忆的东西

n. a reminder of past events


1. And that he would keep this as a memento.


2. This club is a memento to recognize the impossible.

这根球杆就当做 见证不可能的纪念吧

3. No personal items, no mementos, no knickknacks.

没有私人物品 没有纪念品或摆设

4. It'll be such a nice memento of the evening.

给今晚留个纪念 这样再好不过了

5. I brought you a little memento, from back in the day.

我给你带了件纪念品 是高中时代的

6. Figured they might want this clock as a memento.


7. They asked for schoolbooks, papers, photos, mementos.

他们要学校年鉴 论文 照片和纪念品

8. He kept his victims' hands and feet as mementos.


9. or it was a memento of my dad's or just because it's fun to shoot.

还是因为那是我父亲留下的纪念品 或者只是因为射击很有趣

10. People usually have mementos and sentimental things.

