
awesome怎么读: 音标['ɒ:sәm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ awesome是什么意思

a. 引起敬畏的, 可怕的

s inspiring awe or admiration or wonder


1. No, she's my awesome, not your awesome.

不 她再棒也是我的 不是你的

2. It's awesome, and you're gonna be awesome too, sis.

它超赞 姐们儿 你也即将变得超赞

3. The parties being awesome is what makes the parties awesome.

派对受欢迎 关键在于内容

4. An awesome song, an even more awesome songwriter.

歌棒极了 写歌的人更棒

5. Let those awesome threads magnify this awesome bod.


6. Yesterday we had this awesome time together, like really awesome.

昨天我们过得很愉快 非常愉快

7. You think this is awesome, our next song is gonna be ten times more awesome.

你觉得这酷吗 我们的下一首歌会比这首*十倍

8. I want to run away with you because you and I are the only truly awesome people I've ever met, and I'm tired of doing stuff that only matters to people less awesome than us.

我想跟你私奔是因为 你和我是我见过唯一真正优秀的人 我不想再做一些 只对那些没我们优秀的人才有意义的事情

9. so that I could find it again, that would be awesome.

好让我以后能找到 那就太棒了

10. We all need you, because you are so awesome.

我们都需要你 因为你人超赞
