
squawk怎么读: 音标[skwɒ:k]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ squawk是什么意思

n. 响而粗的叫声, 夜鹭
vi. 发出响而粗的叫声, 发牢骚, 诉苦

n. the noise of squawking
v. utter a harsh abrupt scream


1. Listen, that bird may squawk a lot, but he's never gonna squawk as much as your mother will if we admit she was right.

这鸟可能会经常呱呱叫 但如果我们承认*是对的的话 *可能叫得更厉害

2. Squawk me if anyone runs out the back.


3. Oh, stop squawking, and just say it.

别叽叽歪歪了 有话就说

4. Listening to your hu*ands in space on your squawk boxes.


5. We'rewe're trying to keep him awake so he doesn't squawk all night.

我们想让它一直醒着 这样晚上它就不会乱叫了

6. I mean, I know it's outside because there was a lot of squawking about the rain.

我肯定是在室外 因为他们那时在抱怨被雨浇了一身

7. You keep squawking as if I'm gonna give you a different answer.

你一直这么叫唤 就好像我会换个说法

8. You're not gonna hear this guy squawking about nono stuff 'cause I need this job.

我不会再这样大声哔哔 不可言的事情了 因为我需要这份工作

9. We let 'em go, they'll start squawking, and the entire mountain's gonna know what our path is.

要是放了他们 他们会大喊 让整个山里的人都知道我们的路线
