
chivalrous怎么读: 音标['ʃivәlrәs]
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◎ chivalrous是什么意思

a. 骑士的, 勇敢的

s. being attentive to women like an ideal knight


1. Then it was so chivalrous of you when you made up your couch for me.

然后你很有绅士风度地 帮我铺好沙发

2. I didn't peg you for the chivalrous type.


3. Well that's damn chivalrous of you, but completely out of the question.

真够骑士风范啊 不过没门儿

4. Slips out in the night, and still somehow he makes it chivalrous.

虽然半夜溜走 但他却给人一种骑士的感觉

5. Well, sacrificing your body for love is pretty darn chivalrous.

为爱牺牲自己的身体 还真是有骑士精神呢

6. It was our first adventure together, though my motives were less than chivalrous then.

那是我们第一次一起冒险 但当时我的动机可不怎么高尚
