
Scottie怎么读: 音标['skɔti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Scottie是什么意思

n. 苏格兰人;苏格兰的一种野狗

n old Scottish breed of small long-haired usually black terrier with erect tail and ears


1. Scottie, this is the best we're gonna do.

斯科特 这已经是最好的条件了

2. Scottie doesn't do favors like this, and I don't have any leverage on her.

斯科特不会帮我这个忙的 我也没有她的把柄

3. Scotty, do you want to take some? I'll have the burgers.

斯科蒂你也吃点吧 我吃汉堡吧

4. Scottie, I'm gonna do better about being open with you.

斯科特 我会对你更加坦诚

5. Scotty, you're living on a fishing boat.

斯科蒂 你还住在渔船上

6. Scotty should be landing right about now.


7. Scotty doesn't have the luxury of us being cautious.


8. Scotty, I haven't seen you in a dog's age.

斯科特 我几百年没见着你了

9. Scotty's not here, we got a woman for a driver.

斯科蒂不在这 我们的司机又是个女的

10. Scotty gave them to that homeless person with the dog.

