
flexing怎么读: 音标['fleksiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ flexing是什么意思

挠曲, 可挠性

v contract
v exhibit the strength of
v form a curve
v bend a joint
v cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form


1. That seems a little bit more than flexing.


2. He'll flex his muscles and go deep undercover.

他充分利用他的肌肉 进行深度伪装卧底

3. Got him while he was running, leg flexed all the way up.

他奔跑时中了枪 腿部是弯曲的

4. Yeah, so now these guys have this muscle to flex.

是啊 所以他们要报复一下

5. I mean, it's a new car, so it's not a flex fueled.

这是款新车 所以对燃料比较挑剔

6. A baby's natural position is to flex the legs.


7. Look, man, once you flex, they can't bring you back.

你一旦到了那儿 他们就拿你没办法了

8. Yeah, I don't see jack shit flexing.

对 我根本没看到哪里松了

9. Flexing the neck offsets the posterior compression.


10. Better to say that you're here on business, to threaten me and flex your muscles.

所以用公事来做借口再好不过了 来威胁我 向我示威
