
candied怎么读: 音标['kændid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ candied是什么意思

a. 糖制的, 甜蜜的

s. encrusted with sugar or syrup
s. (used especially of fruits) preserved by coating with or allowing to absorb sugar


1. This candy. It's cheap candy, but I love it.

这糖果虽然很便宜 但我很喜欢

2. How come she gets candy? I want candy.

为什么她可以吃糖 我也想要

3. He let me keep thinking that candy beansies were candy beansies.

他让我一直以为糖豆豆 就叫糖豆豆

4. I mean, other than learning origami and eating candy that tastes like other candy.

我是说除了学习折纸手工 吃味道全一样的糖果以外

5. Young lady, when your father tells you to eat candy, you eat candy.

小姑娘 *让你吃糖 你就吃

6. I make the candy I feel like, but now I feel terrible, so the candy's terrible.

我一直凭我的感觉做糖果 但现在我感觉糟透了 所以糖果也很糟糕

7. With their heads full of wisdom and their pockets full of candy and their bodies full of wrinkles full of candy.

喜欢他们充满智慧的头脑和装满糖果的口袋 他们浑身都是皱纹 都是糖果

8. Yes, I took away your man candy, but I got you these, the hot ones that you like from the good candy store with the sneeze guards.

没错 我夺走了你的糖果美男 带我买了你爱的那些畅销口味 是从有食品罩那家好糖果店买的哦

9. So, our challenge today is to burst inside a busy candy store and grab all the supplies we need to make a shirt made out of candy.

那么 今天要挑战的内容是冲进一家 人气糖果店 抢到我们需要的糖果 来做一件糖果上衣

10. They were in before they ate the candy.

