
posting怎么读: 音标['pәustiŋ]
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◎ posting是什么意思

[计] 记入, 记录, 稿件, 邮件
[经] 过帐, 誊入总帐

n. (bookkeeping) a listing on the company's records


1. That explains why the earlier posts were accurate, but the later posts weren't.

这就解释了为什么 之前的博文是准确的 后来的就不准确了

2. A post card. I just described a post card.

一张明信片 我刚刚说的就是明信片

3. Post a ring of pickets around the perimeter of this post.


4. Leaving home for years at time, living from post to post.

我们经常一离家就是好几年 四处奔波

5. I put dumb as a post in quotes, but you're still dumb as a post.

就算我把蠢哭加引号 你也还是蠢哭了

6. And you put up a post an angry post about the uniforms that some of the reenactors were wearing.

你发了一篇文 怒斥 一些演员所穿的服饰

7. She posts a picture with a hot guy, you post a picture with a hot girl.

她发跟帅哥的合照 你就发张跟辣妹的合照呗

8. Neal usually does that and he likes to post every 30 minutes, but I knew where his head was, so I posted for him when I got home.

尼尔通常负责这块 他半小时发一次 但我知道他现在心思不在这里 所以我到家时就替他发了

9. If you post that, you have to tag me in it.

如果你要把它发网上的话 记得要圈我

10. No, that's it. I'll keep you posted.

没有了 有新发现我会及时汇报
